btw,i wanna say sorry a lot bloggiee...mmuuaahhx..miss u damn much..its been a few i-dont-know-how-many-days i didnt update u.i was busy before.and a lot of things ive to settle.ok.i wanna share to you about my dinner.its awesome.but the most best part is we won in dancing competition. thanks for those involved and give 100%,full,compact commitment and cooperation. i love you friends! this time i'll let my pictures to speak and tell you more about my dinner. you know what i mean right? seems boring bcz there are no full-detail explanation,emotion and etc.
Thursday, 31 March 2011
Annual dinner from chemical engineering faculty
Posted by Ayu Azraine at 11:57 0 comments
Thursday, 10 March 2011
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Assalammualaikum(Ustzh Siti norbayah's tone..hehe) and hello bloggie!!! nowadays there are sooo much women had been cheated or fooled by the casanovas or in malay we always call them buaya darat or pisau cukur(sometimes its also for women or even girlsss!! yaww!) as the women, it must be for us to feel sympathy or pity for those had been the victims. so,how to avoid this??? what should we do as the women?? dont just let those type of guys(of course i mean the bad,worst behaviour) exploit us. fighting!!!! but here,i didnt asked you to war with the man. sometimes we need them. not as just protector but also as the place for us to 'bermanja-manja sayang....hehe...mengade!) its because we dont know people which can i say as much as an ocean. kan?? well..precaution steps! so that we'll not regret and we dont act out of control like some of the people did before. suicide, taking drugs and the most favourite for some malays yg kolot gile nak mati is they meet the wrong and stupid bomohs to jinxing the guy that had left them. ok, here are some tips:
1) dont spend too much for the guy.let them spend for you! that is the best way.heelllooo,the one yg jadi your husband is man ok. so why must you practice too much mcm you yg bg nafkah kt die kan??? it is not wrong if you are the volunteer yg nak belanja but dont too much ok. nanti naik lemak! plus,ble clash mulela nak menangis mcm org nak beranak and mcm nk kua air mata darah. maya karin je yg bley buat mcm tu cz shes expert.just watch pontianak harum sundal malam.haha.
2)dont believe too much to man. and please. dont put too much hope. at first surely both of you very romantic, sweet, always said in sms or in the phone 'i sayang u,u sayang i' kan?? nak muntah babe! i did the same too with my bf but not too jiwang karat berkerak! oh before i forgot, i also NEVER believe my boyfie 100%! (p/s to my bf if he read this: sorry,sayang. but there is still some percent i believe in you.hehe)
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dont let your hubby enjoy like this |
3) and this is for those had been married. to all wifeys in malaysia, dont let yourself to pay all the bills. let your hubby settle that! this is bacause there are some men think like this 'ok,my wife got more let she pays the i enjoy!!!' if i meet this type of guy surely i'll said 'kepala hotak ko!!!'. if your hubby enjoy a lil bit with his old friends,its ok. but what happen if he enjoys with other girls which much prettier than you and of course much younger than cantik,mude laki mane tak terliur seyh...terliur just like a bulldog yg meleleh air liur tu. eeerrggghhh...damn disgusting!
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let he that he will feel responsible |
actually i wanna share and type a lot about this topic. but the time keep jeolousing with me. plus, i got calculus test today. so i think 3 tips are already enough for us as the women to prevent the guy keep fool us. just do whatever you think is correct and good for youself okay! bubye..kiss and hug from me..xoxo...
Posted by Ayu Azraine at 17:48 0 comments
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
(20-5) secrets about me. yeah its 15!!! haha.
well, today i feel like i wanna talk a lot. i was thinking the suitable topic to post. hurrmmm..maybe i should share something that people don't or never know about me.ok. let me start!
2) i do LOVE shopping. very much and very well. i can walk almost 3-4 hours at the shopping complex to grab any unique and fantastic stuffs. i can say that shopping is 1 of my fav!
3) i am fashionable.i love shoessss (high heels of course!) because my height is only 150cm!!!! sangat ketotkan??? but im proud with myself bcz i can drive my dad's kia carnival wif my 150cm height! i wish i can be a superwoman.not superman,not catwoman.haha.
4)i love handbags. omg! i can even sleep at the handbag boutique or shops for me to own the most unique, fascinate handbags.
5) i love driving.
6)i love english.i love english movies and songs
8) i hate hypocrite person. these type of person are shit!
9) i like pink colour but im not love it very much.BUT most of my stuffs are PINK! (this is bcz of my mom yg dah didik her only 1 daughter like that.even my room also pink. huh...
10) i am the only single girl in my sibling and i am the eldest. i have the '3 idiots' sugargliders.
11) i LOVE my boyfie so much.
12) i LOVE my car. to my friends, if you see WQE 6755, thats my "honda jazz"(actually its just a viva. perasan lebeyhhh)...LOL! XD
13) i talk a lot. and yes i am talkative person. i believe my bf tired with me bcz i always nagging him. haha.
14) i dont like long hair. manyak pakai wang maaaa.....bcz you have to consider so much thing. treatment and blabla..i will not spend my money for 3-digits-bucks juz for my hair ok! rm40 is enough.lagi bagus makan molten choclate cake kt chilis.kenyang and syok. nikmat babe!!
15) boros.that is me.i try to save.sometimes jadi, and usually i cant!!
Posted by Ayu Azraine at 05:16 0 comments
Sunday, 6 March 2011
i am cityville addict!
and yes i am! i am cityville addict. it is a MUST for me to stick almost an hour to collect all the money,yields and crops.
its not because i never try to play other games. i tried and i played some of the zynga games like farmville, cafe world, it girl.....and finally, BORING! But cityville is such a game that make me wanna stick tightly in front of my i said before almost an hour or even more than that. hurmm..btw, for those cityville player read my blog, i'll allow you to be neighbour. more neighbour,more income,more yield bebeyhhh! add and invite me immediately me ok!
Posted by Ayu Azraine at 11:55 0 comments
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
some funny dialogues in crazy parents say...just for laugh!
Mom: You should turn off the computer and go play outside.
Me: None of my friends live near.
Mom: Then go play with yourself.
son: I wonder what breast milk tastes like.
Mom: I don't know, ask your Dad.
Son: MOOOOOM !! Why did you tell me that!!??
(mom expressing worry about dad going on a cycling trip on his own)
Me: But you had no problem with me going to South America on my own, and I'm 18.
Mom: Yes, but you're smart, your father is an idiot.
(After previously getting into an argument with my mom, I step out of our car and see a bus pass by)
Me: See Mom! If I had left the car a second sooner, this would have been the last conversation we would have ever had!
Mom: I have your life insurance policy to get over my grief!
Mum: What's wrong honey?
Me: Ugh I feel sick.
Mum: Yeah you don't look well.
Me: I think it's the flu.
Mum: You have to tell me these things. we have cancer in the family.
Me: Mum, I don't have cancer.
Dad: So you have a date this weekend? Me: Ya actually. I do. Did mom tell you?
Dad: Actualy I gave your brother 5 dollars to listen to your conversations.
Me: Oh fabulous. Hear anything interesting?
Dad: Ya, you have your period. Well done!
Me: I'm moving to Alaska…
Posted by Ayu Azraine at 18:30 0 comments
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
lets make the ugly face!
hahahaha.boring.women very,very,very care about their beauty. its seems like very 'skema' sometimes kan?
so lets make something weird,funny and fun! show your ugly face! what about mine?
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cat face! |
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hahahaha! maybe i can win the most ugly pic contest! |
Posted by Ayu Azraine at 22:01 0 comments